Jen Wachter

Web Developer


  • Hub API

    An API that enables users to interact with data from the Hub database, a central repository of news articles, events, announcements, photo galleries, and faculty experts from Johns Hopkins University.

    drupal, slim framework, php, phpunit
  • Hub

    The online source of news and events from Johns Hopkins University, powered by the Hub API.

    wordpress, javascript, php, phpunit
  • Hopkins Huddle

    A series of 6 Wordle-esque puzzles developed for the Johns Hopkins 2023 end of year message of thanks.

    javascript testing library, jest, react, webpack

    The flagship website of Johns Hopkins University.

    wordpress, react
  • GitHub PHP Redis Queue

    A background server queue built using PHP and Redis.

    php, phpunit, redis
  • Tag Bump

    Bumps the version of a package, optionally creating the git tag and updating composer.json and/or package.json files.

    jest, node.js
  • React Accessible Modal

    A React component that creates an accessible modal.

    javascript testing library, jest, react, webpack
  • GitHub PHP Rsync

    A PHP library able to perform rsync operations to local, remote and Akamai NetStorage hosts.

    php, phpunit
  • GitHub AWS S3 Database backup

    Node.js library that facilitates backing up a database to AWS S3 storage.

    jest, node.js
  • GitHub Hub API integration

    A WordPress plugin that creates a custom field to enable users to select content from the Hub API.

    javascript testing library, jest, react, webpack, wordpress
  • GitHub Admin Bookmarks

    A WordPress plugin that enables users to bookmark posts they edit frequently.

    javascript, webpack, wordpress
  • GitHub Sentry Tracing

    A wrapper library for implementing custom instrumentation of Sentry performance monitoring.
